Welcome 9th Graders!

Tips for Freshmen

  • Create a four-year high school plan
    • Think about what you’d like to accomplish in the next four years. 
    • Get to know the levels of courses offered by your school.
  •  Start thinking about your life after school
    • Including the types of jobs that might interest you. Of course, these will change — often — but it’s good to start thinking about the possibilities. 
    • Identify your interests — likes and dislikes — not just in classes but also in every area. This will help you focus on your goals. 
    • Talk to other people, such as your school counselor, teachers, recent college graduates who are working, professionals in the community, etc., about careers you might find interesting. 
  • Meet with your school counselor
    • Your counselor knows how to help you get the most out of high school. Be sure to take some time during the school year to discuss post-high-school plans with the counselor.
  • Participate in extracurricular activities 
    • Academics aren’t everything. Explore your interest in a sport, school club, music or drama group, or community volunteer activity. 
    • Remember that colleges would rather see real involvement in one activity instead of a loose connection to several.
    • If you’re interested in playing sports in college, research the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) eligibility requirements. The NCAA requires completion of certain core courses; you can find the specifics at ncaaclearinghouse.net
  • Save for college. It’s not too late to put money aside for college. Every little bit helps! 
  • Explore summer opportunities. Look for a job, internship, or volunteer position that will help you learn about a field of interest.

Higher Learning. Higher Purpose.