As our athletic department continues to grow and develop, we realize the importance of offering a space where our student athletes can be provided with proper instruction in the area of strength and conditioning. This space, outfitted with state-of-the-art equipment, will allow our student athletes to prepare for competitions and will assist in the prevention of injury.
Funding to Include:
Expanding our physical footprint is going to require us to expand our technology footprint. Often unseen, these improvements will ensure that our connectivity, security and communication system will support our school and growing student body into the future. This will include access control, security cameras, wireless access, network infrastructure and telephony system.
Funding to Include:
With our expansion, we will need to outfit both our new space and the existing space. We would like to create a space that is inviting to our GCS families as well as visitors to our school. Each classroom will be designed in a manner that will allow for an interactive learning environment. Dedicated office space for our staff will ensure that we can meet with current and prospective families. Lastly, we will have a dedicated counseling room for one-on-one and group guidance. Items to be included in this outfitting include student and teacher workspaces, office furniture, display cases and so much more.
Classroom Funding to include
Office Funding to include
Our building expansion will provide us with two science labs and an art room. These rooms will be designed to encourage collaborative learning and will allow for in-depth exploration of both the sciences and visual arts. Features will include a dedicated space to store and clean supplies, a Skutt Kiln and demonstration tables.
Funding to include